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Silicon Valley, 旧金山湾区及其他地区- GABA的活跃社区包括来自最负盛名的组织以及敏捷初创企业的领导者和专业人士, small businesses and service organizations. Technology, entrepreneurship, 新的客户和合作伙伴-无论你目前的商业兴趣, 很有可能你会发现我们的会员可以提供帮助. Through our programs and events, GABA为您提供充足的机会与合适的人见面和交流. Share your knowledge, 获得新的见解,并扩大您在北加州和德国的联系.

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GABA Gala 2024

Secure your tickets now for the GABA Gala 2024!

我们期待着5月31日在南旧金山Oyster Point的Dominic’s美丽的户外环境中欢迎您度过一个充满乐趣的夜晚, 2024.

优秀的赞助是可用的-更多信息在我们的 Gala Website.

Do not miss out! Register today!

More Upcoming Events

Inside GABA and Member News

Spring European Networking 2024

Spring European Networking 2024

Democracy and Disinformation, an event organized by EuroCham and GABA, 于4月24日在旧金山的SAP实验室举行了一场活动. 今年,世界各地40个国家的选举都将围绕民主进行投票...
GABA Democracy and Disinformation Event

民主与虚假信息:信息系统和媒体如何为商业服务, Consumers and Democracy?

Democracy and Disinformation, an event organized by EuroCham and GABA, 于4月24日在旧金山的SAP实验室举行了一场活动. 今年,世界各地40个国家的选举都将围绕民主进行投票...
Breakfast Briefing. International Dispute Resolution Made in Germany.

Breakfast Briefing. International Dispute Resolution Made in Germany.

The Breakfast Briefing, co-hosted by GABA Northern California, the German Consulate General San Francisco, the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung (DAJV e.V.), 召集了一个来自北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚州的高级代表团, led by Governor Hendrik Wüst, and the Bay…

GABA Spotlight AI Inventorship

Inventorship Guidance for AI-Assisted Inventions

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, 监管机构正在努力跟上不断变化的问题. 了解美国专利商标局关于人工智能辅助发明发明人的最新决定。

Leaving the U.S. – Financial Planning Tips & Traps

Leaving the U.S. – Financial Planning Tips & Traps

Andrew Fisher and Libby Dawson from Cerity Partners, a long time GABA corporate member, held a webinar on “Leaving the U.S. – Financial Planning Tips and Traps” on March 20, 2024, with a focus on the financial consequences of emigrating…


GABA NorCal Programs

New Technologies and Innovation
Life Sciences and Digital Health

GABA Norcal Programs

New Technologies and Innovation
Life Sciences and Digital Health

“GABA has been instrumental in supporting NRW.Invest mission to market Germany’s No. 1 investment location, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). We are thrilled to work with them on upcoming projects”

Kai Buehler, NRW.Invest

“刚到硅谷时,我们参加了一个GABA-Newcomers活动. Driven by the enthusiasm of the GABA team, 我们参加了GABA及其合作伙伴举办的许多其他活动, which are offered in every industrial sector. 这些绝佳的社交机会在很大程度上促进了我们在美国和欧洲的联系人数量的指数级增长. GABA对发展友谊和我们的业务都有很大的帮助.”

Michael Schmid, Partner, ProiPatent

“In 2020, GABA组织了一场全国性的氢技术和商业展示会, the first webinar of its kind. Engineers from Berlin, Germany, 来自东西海岸的管理者让我们看到了能源的未来. 现在到了2023年,德国和美国的领导人将在加州实现这一目标. As a consequence of this well-attended hydrogen event, 我们现在在加州有两个氢能源储存项目在运行.”

Clark Crawford, GKN Hydrogen

" Ich möchte GABA herzlich danken f r die bereichernden Gespräche, die einzigartigen Veranstaltungen和die interessanten Menschen, die ich durch die GABA kennenlernen durfte.”

Heiko Erhard, VP, Neato Robotics

“GABA在加强德美社区和友谊方面非常成功. Through their hosting of excellent events, 会员可以在大西洋两岸分享顶尖的行业知识和经验,并以专业人士和个人的身份建立联系. I am thankful to GABA for wonderful memories of events, business opportunities, 甚至是我可以通过他们培养的不可思议的网络体验和接触到的友谊.”

Alexander Roth, Partner at Taylor Wessing US

“As the Bay Area based Innovation Hub for Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, 我们总是很高兴与团队和公司建立联系,分享我们在人造肉等领域的创新动力, Bioelectronics, and Neuromorphic systems. GABA允许我们以一种有机的方式与志同道合的公司进行讨论.”

Arie van Gent, Merck KGaA

“GABA在我的个人生活和我在SAP的角色中帮助我在生态系统中建立有意义的联系. 他们网络的多样性涵盖了从早期人才到代表企业的硅谷思想领袖, academia and the venture community. 在许多情况下,团队能够将我们的业务目标与其他成员的业务目标联系起来,并确定合作机会.”

Daniel Zimmer, Sr. Director, SAP Bay Area Labs Management

“GABA对我在硅谷的生活产生了很大的影响. 到旧金山的那天,我参加了GABA青年专业人士会议. 我和很多人建立了联系,但有一个联系很特别,我妻子通过这个联系在eBay上找到了她的工作. – Since then, I have attended many more GABA events, 他们都很有趣,对我的生意和我个人都很有用.”

Florian Schöbinger, Kärcher New Ventures

“多亏了GABA,我在一家跨国公司找到了工作. 我参加了年度GABA经济与金融展望活动,并会见了一位高管, 在那之后不久他就雇我做了西海岸地区经理. 从那以后,我参加了许多GABA活动,活动的质量和与会者的资历给我留下了深刻的印象.”

Alexander Schulz, Advisory Board Member at UC Irvine
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Promote Your Brand

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有兴趣在北加州或德国推广您的业务、产品或服务? GABA’s programs, events, 网站和定期的交流给了你充分的机会来展示你的思想领导力和能力,并提高你在专业观众中的声誉.

Become a Volunteer

Become a Volunteer

想要用你的才能和技能直接支持专业的德裔美国人社区? As a volunteer, 您可以通过为GABA提供活动后勤支持来磨练您的技能并扩展您的网络, content ideas or operations behind the scenes.

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Premium Corporate Members

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Osborne Clarke
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Join Digital, Inc.
Seven Seals Innovation AG
BMO Wealth Management
Cerity Partners
Oxnard Engineering Campus
ZEISS Innovation Center California
BMW Group
FTI Consulting Deutschland GmbH
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